
Discord Rewards

Earn special rewards for boosting our Discord server!
Keep your boost running for multiple days to be able to claim valuable loot.

Reward: 30 Days

Care and Use of Your Pet Ser Picks-a-lot (30 Days)
1x Care and Use of Your Pet Ser Picks-a-lot (30 Days)
Continuous boosting days needed to unlock the Item:0 of total 30 Days

Reward: 60 Days

Cat Whiskers
1x Cat Whiskers
Continuous boosting days needed to unlock the Item:0 of total 60 Days

Reward: 90 Days

Smart Box: Cherry Blossom Weapon Skin (13 Classes)
1x Smart Box: Cherry Blossom Weapon Skin (13 Classes)
Continuous boosting days needed to unlock the Item:0 of total 90 Days